debt, bankruptcy, and lawyers - what you need to know

Immigration Resources For Those Who Want To Become U.S. Citizens

When you come to the U.S. for a visit, but you want to stay and become a U.S. citizen, where do you start? Your relatives here cannot help you as they are either already natural U.S. citizens, or they have not applied for citizenship themselves. The following resources should help you get started. Then you should meet and talk with an immigration lawyer. Title 8 of the Code of Federal Regulations Read More 

3 Signs That You May Be The Victim of Workplace Discrimination

Although workplace discrimination is somewhat common in today's modern workforce, many people struggle with putting their finger on just what constitutes discrimination. They may, for instance, have a funny gut feeling about a situation without being able to say exactly why. It's also a common misconception that discrimination consists primarily of overt harassment by workplace superiors--you can be discriminated against without anyone having said a single word directed at you.  Read More 

In Over Your Head With Debt? Options To Help You

When you feel like you are swimming in debt and you have finally gotten in over your head, you understandably may be completely unsure of what you can and should do to begin pulling yourself out of a bad situation. While excess debt can be a scary situation to find yourself in, you cannot just bury your head in the sand andThank you for filling your article with interesting facts. Your article has been accepted at 4 stars. Read More 

Your Guide To Effective Estate Planning For A Loved One With The Use Of A Miller’s Trust To Allow For Medicaid Eligibility

If your loved one has significant health challenges that might be covered by Medicaid, but their income exceeds Medicaid limits in their state, it is a good idea to be aware that a Miller Trust might be the solution. A Miller Trust is a diversionary method of financial planning that requires participants to transfer part of their income to a trust that is earmarked for subsidizing the cost of their medical expenses, thus allowing the income to drop to a level low enough to be eligible for Medicaid. Read More 

Top 4 Reasons To Hire A Car Accident Attorney After Your Injured In A Wreck

If you have been injured in a car accident, you may not know what steps to take in order to get your vehicle fixed and receive compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Some people think that they can take care of an insurance claim with the at-fault driver's insurance company, but trying to do so is usually a mistake. There are many reasons to hire a car accident attorney after you're injured in a wreck, such as: Read More