debt, bankruptcy, and lawyers - what you need to know

3 Things You Should Do Following An Injury In A Car Accident

Suddenly getting into a car accident can leave you feeling flustered and not much like yourself. But it's important in the immediate aftermath of an auto accident to keep a cool head and stay focused on the situation at hand. If the accident was the other driver's fault and has left you injured, anything you do or say in the minutes following the accident could affect your legal rights. Here are three important things you should always do following an injury in an auto accident. Read More 

What Factors Go Into Determining Who Gets Custody?

The process of deciding which parent gets custody in a divorce may not be a clear cut decision. Many factors will be considered if the decision needs to go to a judge. Here are some things to think about. Who Has a Stable Income? The business of raising a child is expensive, and although you may have the support of the other parent to count on, it makes a big difference to a judge if you can show that you are financially responsible and independent. Read More 

Heart Ailments, Prescriptions, Research, And The Risk Of Malpractice

Products for sale on the over the counter and prescription markets are intended to be used in the proper manner. Failure to use a medicinal product in the manner prescribed may lead to a person suffering from serious and adverse health related problems. Saying those who get sick from using legal products the wrong way have "no one to blame but themselves" is only accurate if the persons failed to follow the advice of a doctor or manufacturer. Read More 

Wrongful Termination And Personal Injury Suits And Their Incredible Connection To False Positive Drug Test Results

Failing a drug test is a serious matter. Employees can and do lose their jobs -- if not their entire careers -- due to a positive test result. Among the most enraging experiences to suffer through would be failing a drug test due be taking a "spiked" product without knowledge of illegal substances in the mix. Employers are not likely to buy into the "someone slipped something into my drink" excuse. Read More 

Collaborative Divorce: A Better Way To End A Marriage

Divorce has a well-earned reputation for being a traumatic and acrimonious ordeal, but it doesn't have to be that way. If you and your partner can treat each other with respect and have every intention of working out issues outside of court, collaborative divorce could be right for you. This type of divorce has both parties working on a shared goal, and the result is a kinder, gentler form of parting ways. Read More